Anna Nicole Smith's Sudden Death Is Unexplainable
It happens every year. Business slows down around Thanksgiving and we coast through the Christmas season. I like that predictable cycle because it gives me a chance to focus on my family and the spirit of the season.
The first lesson we need to learn, we (God's children) do not face death, alone. We did not come into this world alone, and we do not leave it alone. When an heir of God completes this metamorphous and departs this earthly kingdom for the heavenly one, there is a flutter of angelic activity surrounding that soul like never before. Those beings who have been given the custodial care over us for all the years we live on this earth - now with tenderness - ever so carefully deposit their charge into the protective care of another group of angelic beings called The Chariots of Israel. They are the angels who are charged with the mission of safely moving us from this realm to that other we often refer to as Heaven.
It is heather to have a celebration. A funeral is normally very depressing and many people have problems coping with the loss. The traditional funeral seems no more than an invitation to increase grief, but a celebration as a funeral can help to relieve strain and stress. It can help the family get over their grief as they learn to look on the bright side and recall all their happy memories of the loved on that has gone. There are some people who have serious problems with grief, but a happy funeral is good therapy.
It is all speculation as to how and what the realm beyond death is like.There are no verifiable evidence of a dead person coming back to this life to share a glimpse, if that, of what life is after death. Contact with those who passed on are all based on personal experience, some are conducted at seance, where a medium claims the uncanny ability to make contact with those who are supposedly in the other realm.
Don't try to deny how you feel about the person who died. Don't be afraid to think about them and about the good times you've shared together. If you have a creative streak, do something with it. Create something dedicated to them. A painting, a poem, a cross stitch work, anything artistic, do it and dedicate it to them.
First, let us look at death. I know it is an unpleasant subject. But unless you look death in the eye and deny its power over you, it will destroy meaning and happiness. Persons have been investigating Near Death Experiences (NDE) for many decades.
Looking at the pillars of the day of demise, you can safely conclude that the heart attack was caused by a serious lack of Fire. In her case, she only needs Fire to tide her through. But sometimes, believe it or not, certain things in life are predestined. It saddens me that I am unable to help her. Perhaps if I had analyzed her pillars earlier, I might have been able to help her.
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